In.Business and Cape Breton University
Post-secondary enrolment rates for Indigenous Youth are historically much lower than non-indigenous youth.
Strategy, Design, Website Design, Website development, Video and Print collateral.
Canada’s Indigenous young people often face educational challenges, and their post-secondary enrolment rates are historically much lower than non-indigenous youth. In.Business – A National Mentorship Program was created to engage Indigenous youth at the high school level, inspiring them through learning about business from Indigenous business leaders and encouraging them to consider where a career in business could take them. In.Business creates a bridge for students to make the critical step from high school to post-secondary study.
In 6 short years, the program has grown from a one-province pilot project to a national program from coast to coast. In 2017, In.Business chose Stir to help them share their story and to create a stronger brand presence that would engage, inform and inspire potential students, mentors and corporate and community sponsors. We started by developing a new and proud positioning for in.Business – Empowering a culture of success. From there, we wrote and designed their new program brochure, presentation templates and website as well as a master video and shorter versions. What we are most proud of is that the story is about more than education; it’s about culture, heritage and continuing the proud tradition of Indigenous peoples contributing to Canada’s wellbeing generation after generation.